Nouveau Captcha pour Joomla


logo captchack 64Protégez vos formulaires avec Captcha CK. Il inlcut plusieurs techniques pour bloquer les robots.

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  • Color palette

    color palette for your content in joomla with Page Builder CK

    You can define a set a 5 colors that you can use when creating your content. This is called the color palette.

    Your color palette in Page Builder CK has 3 features :

    • Set up manual colors for the current page / article / module
    • Set up the colors in the component options (shared between every page / article / module)
    • Automatically retrieve the colors from the template created with Template Creator CK (since version 4.0.22)
  • Create a child template for Joomla 4

    Joomla 4 child template

    The child template feature has been introduced into Joomla 4.1, let's see what it is and how it works.


    What does mean a child template ?

    This is a template that depends on its parent, loading everything from the parent except if you decide to load some specific files from the child template. Imagine that you have a main template and that you want to create a variation for Christmas : you can do that with a child template for Christmas, loading everything from the parent template but using a custom css or adding a custom position in the index.php file. This is now possible.

    You can also imagine that you want to customize the template Cassiopeia that is devlivered with Joomla 4, if you modify the files, your modifications will be lost with every update of Joomla. Now you can create a child template to get all the features, from Cassiopeia but without the risk of loosing your work.

  • Créer un template enfant pour Joomla 4

    Joomla 4 child template

    La fonctionnalité de template enfant a été introduite dans Joomla 4.1, voyons ce que c'est et comment cela fonctionne.


    Que signifie un template enfant ?

    Il s’agit d’un template qui dépend de son parent, chargeant tout à partir du parent, sauf si vous décidez de charger des fichiers spécifiques à partir du template enfant. Imaginez que vous ayez un template principal et que vous souhaitiez créer une variante pour Noël : vous pouvez le faire  avec un template enfant pour Noël, en chargeant tout à partir du template parent mais en utilisant un css personnalisé ou en ajoutant une position personnalisée dans le fichier index.php. C’est maintenant possible.

    Vous pouvez également imaginer que vous souhaitez personnaliser le template Cassiopeia qui est livré avec Joomla 4. Si vous modifiez les fichiers, vos modifications seront  perdues à chaque mise à jour de Joomla. Maintenant, vous pouvez créer un template enfant pour obtenir toutes les fonctionnalités de Cassiopeia mais sans risquer de perdre votre travail.

  • Front Edition compatible Template Creator CK

    Modules Manager CK is a tool that helps you to manage your modules. It works in admin and front. In this section we will see how to use it in frontend with a template created with Template Creator CK (since version 4.0.19)

    After installing Modules Manager CK and be sure that the system plugin is active, you must go on front end and login.

    Once logged in, you will see a top bar like this :

    modules manager enable


    To switch to the Modules Manager CK edition, just click on the button Enable Modules Manager CK.

    Then you will get the full interface to manage your modules :

    modules manager frontedition

    Here you can drag and drop, edit, rename... Each module has a toobar and the green button can be clicked to add a new module into the module position.

    modules manager tools

    List of actions :

    1. Module ID : this is the ID of the module that you can also see in the backend
    2. Move : drag and drop the module to move it into any other position, or to order the modules in the same position
    3. Type : this information gives you the type of the module to help you to know what it is
    4. Edit: click it to open a popup with the edition of the module like in backend (use the shared sessions in your website config for a better experience)
    5. Remove : directly remove the module
    6. Add a module : click to add a new module in the position (here position-7). A popup will come with the list of available modules
    7. Fast title edition : double click on the module title to edit it directly inline


    In the top of the page you have a menu with few buttons :

     modules manager topmenu

    List of actions :

    1. Show other modules : this opens the list of all other modules that are not published in the template positions. You can drag and drop them in the page
    2. Reload the page: this is useful when you add a new module, in this case the module will not be rendered correctly. So if you want to see it with a real rendering, you can reload the page
    3. Exit: returns to the normal page, without the edition


    Download Modules Manager CK

  • Les templates Joomla 4 et 5 - Le livre

    Joomla 4 templates book guide

    Apprenez à créer votre propre template Joomla 4 avec ce guide. Le livre comprend une découverte des bases des méthodes HTML et CSS à utiliser, puis vous obtiendrez toutes les informations nécessaires sur le template Joomla 4 dans la documentation technique et vous obtiendrez un tutoriel étape par étape pour vous montrer comment créer un joli template.

  • The Joomla 4 & 5 templates book

    Joomla 4 templates book guide

    Learn how to make your own Joomla 4 template with this guide. The book includes a discover of the basis for the HTML and CSS method to use, then you will get all needed informations about the Joomla 4 template in the technical documentation and you will get a step by step tutorial to show you how to create a nice template.

Outil de création rapide, puissant et responsive.

En savoir plus

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